The types of content that should be included on an E-commerce website are:

  1. Product descriptions: Product descriptions need to be detailed, including complete information about features, dimensions, materials, and colors. In particular, high-quality product images should be provided so that users can see product details before deciding to buy.

  2. Product pricing table: To enable users to easily compare prices between different products, the product pricing table needs to be fully updated and accurate.

  3. Product reviews: It is recommended to provide a space for users to review your products and services. This helps to increase transparency and credibility with users.

  4. Return policy: This is an important factor to help customers feel comfortable when shopping online. Provide information about your product return policy to help them feel at ease when making a purchase.

  5. About Us page: To help customers better understand your company, create an About Us page that provides information about the company's history, vision, mission, and core values.

  6. News and articles: Write articles related to your products to help customers better understand the products and how to use them. Additionally, update the latest news related to your industry so that customers can follow and stay updated.

  7. Contact information: Provide complete contact information for your company, including address, phone number, and email so that customers can easily contact you if necessary.